my father:
John M. Hightower 1966 Associated Press photo
On art work merging science and religious
Whether I migrate through ideas or they migrate through me, I do not know
Ideas of the unity of all life do permeate my paintings,
and are indeed guidance in how I try to live my life.
There is unity of the self, with the eternal
self, the soul.
We human beings are one family, and do not know it yet.
There is the fundamental unity of all life forms on the earth...
We know we are made from the elemental dust of exploded stars.
That is our atomic unity with the substance of the cosmos.
The talks with my father, so many years ago
particles into energy, and energy into matter
neutrinos permeating our beings,
and the wonder of our physical existence,
manifesting the beauty of that which is Essential,
lead me into the world of atoms smashing
strings in formation, and the creation of matter.
For him, as he said, the new physics had something to do with God.
Between the Revealed Word and the discoveries
of science there can be no conflict
in pursuit of truth.
Humanity is in turmoil.
We are passing through the heart of darkness,
It is documented graphically and we feed upon it.
I choose to paint not the panorama of
destruction but the Fundamental Unity, underlying our Life.