REGENERATION (right).jpg

​series of two
watercolor on d'arches 44 x 46 in
2001-2001 Urumqi China


When I think of the whole of creation

Via the Powers of Ten,

Moving quickly from

the world of quarks in plasma with gluons,

To our Local Group of Galaxies,

Knowing we are part of this wonder,

I also see that life is always being regenerated

And made new.

Jalaliyyih Quinn

Bestir thyself,

and magnify,

before the entire creation,

the name of God, and celebrate His praise,

in such wise that all created things

may be regenerated and made new.

 Gleanings from the Writings of Baha'u'llah,

Every thing must needs

have an origin and every building a builder.

Verily, the Word of God is the Cause

which hath preceded the contingent world –

a world which is adorned

with the splendours of the Ancient of Days,

yet is being renewed and regenerated at all times.

Immeasurably exalted is

the God of Wisdom Who hath

raised this sublime structure.

 Tablets of Baha'u'llah